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The "Paris-Saclay Ultrafast X-ray and Attosecond Science School" is a biannual thematic school organized by the Institute for the Sciences of Light at Paris-Saclay University, in collaboration with the "The Frontiers of Attosecond and Ultrafast X-ray Science School" in Erice, Italy. It alternates every other year between Paris-Saclay University and the School of Erice.

Ultrafast X-ray Science 2024 (Utrafast2024)

The inaugural edition of the International School on Ultrafast X-ray and Attosecond Science, held on the Paris-Saclay campus in October 2022, (Ultrafast2022), laid solid foundations for the upcoming 2024 edition. The committee of the 2024 school has meticulously curated a program that delves on fundamental concepts in ultrafast X-ray and attosecond science. This program, designed for newcomers, master's and Ph.D. students, postdocs, and junior researchers in the field, while also encompassing a diverse range of applications.

This comprehensive curriculum covers the evolution of ultrafast light sources, spanning visible, XUV, and X-ray radiation. Key topics, such as High Harmonic Generation and Free Electron Lasers, are explored in-depth. Quantum systems in varying states of matter, extending across gas and condensed phases, are scrutinized, offering a broad panorama of the latest advancements in the field.

Attendees will have the unique opportunity to visit cutting-edge laboratories of Paris-Saclay University, with a particular emphasis on the Sciences of Light. Distinguished lecturers, delivering two one-hour lectures on general topics over two days, will also provide insights into their research through seminars, shedding light on current research frontiers. Post-course discussions with the lecturers will be encouraged throughout the week.  To foster informal exchanges, shared meal times, including breakfast, and extensive poster sessions are incorporated into the program. To add a cultural touch, an afternoon is reserved for exploring the vibrant city of Paris, enhancing the overall experience for all participants in Ultrafast2024. 

As preparations unfold for Ultrafast2024, we eagerly anticipate welcoming you to an engaging week of exploration and discovery in Ultrafast X-ray and Attosecond Science.

Chronicles of Paris-Saclay school: Rewinding to the Ultrafast2022


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